Heaven Scent Half Logo Full

Gift & Thank You Bouquets from our Ingham Florist

Standard & Premium

Most of our arrangements are available in two sizes; standard and premium. The images featured represent the standard price of the arrangement. If you choose the premium value size for your arrangement, it will be increased in size/flower value.

Flowers & Design
At times some of the flower varieties that are pictured may be unavailable due to seasonal change or accessibility. Substitutions will be made in the spirit of the flowers originally chosen.

All orders that are received by 4pm on the desired day of delivery (Monday to Friday) will be delivered to all Ingham and surrounding areas. Saturday orders must be received by 2pm. Townsville and Cardwell deliveries can only be delivered from Monday to Friday and they will be delivered on the day ordered, if order is received no later than 10.30am.

For online payments we accept PayPal, Visa and MasterCard. We also accept cash for orders placed in store. 

We’re conveniently located at 104 Cartwright Street in Ingham. Open 6 days a week from 8.30am.