Teddy Delight Box


When you’re not sure what to gift someone, fresh flowers and a cute teddy is always a popular favorite. You won’t go wrong, with surprising someone special in your life, with this exquisite gift of fresh singapore orchids, together with brilliant red roses. Perfect for any occasion, this elegantly styled box will also include a balloon to suit the occasion.
Please Note** occasionally substitutions of the color of the orchids, and or roses may happen, due to market conditions which may affect their availability. If this is the case, we will ensure that the style and theme of your arrangement will be preserved and will only be substituted to equal, or higher value.
Let us know in the comments section, on your order sheet, if you have a preference for the style of the teddy bear and the balloon.


This is the most delightful gift for families, friends, babies and corporate gifting, as it caters to all tastes.